If you're getting this message and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this field/column DOES, indeed, exist in your table, then, check your SQL query to make sure you included the field name in the query.
(Most likely, it was forgotten)
The two possible reasons are that, either it doesn't exist in the table, or it doesn't exist in the SQL query.
what if it is in an XML file?
I have this XML file and i have the field and it still doesn`t work here (emphasize on the here - because in another file were i`ve copied the sample it works perfectly)
This saved me from slicing my wrists open until I bled TO DEATH!!!! The query for the detail table must specify the key. I don't know why, but it works, so whatevs. I tried to stop understanding what goes on under the hood of telerik controls a long time ago.
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